Press event September 2020 at the University Hospital Mannheim as winner of the innovation competition ‘AI for SMEs’ Best Practice Projects: How SMEs benefit from Artificial Intelligence.
Together with our partners, the Neurological Clinic and the Chair of Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine of the University Hospital Mannheim and the companies MedicalySyn and Mediri, we are award winners of the innovation competition ‘AI for SMEs’ of the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg. The projects, funded with a total of 2.5 million euros, serve as role models to encourage other companies to develop their own AI solutions together with research institutions.

»More accurate evaluations for multiple sclerosis patients through AI
With our method, we can find changes with millimeter precision, which not even the trained eye of a radiologist would be able to do
Dr. Matthias Kraemer, Head Physician Neurological Early Rehabilitation«
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